City’s works board approves findings of fact in demotion of CPD officer

Copyright, The Republic, Columbus

COLUMBUS, Ind. — The Columbus Board of Public Works has voted to approve findings of fact from an executive session held last week involving disciplinary action taken against a Columbus police sergeant over allegations of refusing to comply with orders from supervisors related an investigation into officer wrongdoing.

The board on Tuesday voted 4-0 to accept the findings of fact regarding an incident involving Columbus police officer Kelly Hibbs that resulted in board members accepting a recommendation last week by the city’s police chief to demote Hibbs from his rank as sergeant but retain him as a patrol officer.


The findings of fact state that Hibbs refused to comply with an order from two supervisors to review a body-worn video of a subordinate officer on Feb. 14, though no further information was provide on the content of the video.

CPD spokesman Lt. Matt Harris told The Republic that the video in question involved an allegation of officer wrongdoing that was later investigated and determined to be unfounded.

The findings of fact further state that Hibbs acknowledged to a CPD lieutenant that he was violating a direct order from a superior and “understood that there would be consequences.”

Hibbs prevoiusly received a written reprimand a year ago for sending an inappropriate computer message, Harris said.

As a result, Columbus Police Chief Mike Richardson informed Hibbs on April 17 that he would be recommending that the board demote him from sergeant to to the rank of police officer. Hibbs appealed that decision to the board.

For the complete story, see Wednesday’s Republic.