Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
June 6
Orchids to
Mr. Fortune at Hauser for coming to support the softball girls at semifinals.
Bible Church of Columbus for bringing Tim Zimmerman and The Kings Brass to Columbus.
Hauser High School Top 10.
old, senile guys who can outsmart the younger competition showing that experience matters.
the Columbus Symphony Orchestra for an outstanding program to celebrate its first 100 years of performing.
the Columbus Symphony Orchestra for the outstanding musical presentation Sunday at the Commons.
President Joe Biden who has gotten so much done for our country.
Onions to
whoever decided “Pride” should get a whole month when our veterans who gave their lives for this country only get one day.
not understanding that leaving the scene an accident is not a mistake, but a bad choice.
the group that chose to publicly attack a letter writer rather than deal with the matter internally.
the high school athletic director for not coming to support the softball team in semifinals.
the continuing decline of common sense in our country and the adverse consequences it will have for all.
online “coaching” as a poor substitute for face to face therapy.
whoever decided it was a good idea to blast a heavy metal version of our national anthem at 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning at the pool in a quiet neighborhood.
the people in the neighborhood who let their cat run loose, killing baby birds and rabbits.
praising either political party for passing the debt ceiling bill.
social engineering by society elitists.
local pharmacy that wouldn’t call in another pharmacist when scheduled one called in sick.
the state representative, let millions of us cast the first stone.
fitness club for not being a very good neighbor with their negative signage.
the newspaper rolled too tight with too many creases in it, making it almost impossible to read.
thinking that drinking and driving and leaving the scene of an accident is a “mistake” instead of personal decisions.
political candidates committing blasphemy by autographing Bibles.
Happy Birthday to
Judith Droddy, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.
Shelby Stamper, from your family and Donna.
Shannon Unsworth, from your family.
Jane Kamp.