Around Town – June 16

FILE - A woman types on a laptop while on a train in New Jersey, May 18, 2021. A trial of a four-day workweek in Britain, billed as the world’s largest, has found that an overwhelming majority of the 61 companies that participated over six months last year will keep going with the shorter hours and that most employees were less stressed and burned out and had better work-life balance. (AP Photo/Jenny Kane, File)

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

June 16

Orchids to

the editorial regarding the need for courthouse security.

Judy McCormick for her letter.

the very nice cashier at Sans Souci who loaded my lamps into my car for me. You are a gem, from the woman in the wheelchair.

the male employee working in the back room at Sans Souci for assisting me with the lamps. Thank you for helping me and taking my lamps up front for me, from the woman in the wheelchair.

neighbors Frankie and Tyler for helping me when I fell Wednesday night, from Jim I.

the athletic activities available to senior citizens that are not jarring on joints and require no required level labeling of performance like pickleball – swimming, walking yoga, swimming, Tai Chi, croquet, golf, etc.

Judy McCormick for the excellent letter.

Judy McCormick’s letter.

the three crosses surviving the 2008 flood showing how dependable, powerful, loving, and kind that God is.

the editorial in Thursday’s paper.

Reader Cedar at Mill Race Center for their 10 year anniversary program.

REMC for the fast response to the outage on Tellman Road.

Dale Moore’s general store.

Onions to

spending more money on a sports complex while ignoring the rapid disintegration of our main streets.

the girls in the white car for waving a gun at someone driving too slow.

insulting our intelligence with a story about avoiding a deer and claims of not hiding your wrecked vehicle.

the club president blaming the poor behavior of members on a closed court when the club has numerous other courts around town.

the local judges requesting personal protection when their judgments have repeatedly caused physical and emotional harm to local women and their children.

the flag arrangement that dishonors the American flag.

the judges seekingpersonal police protection, but already have a nice chamber to sequester in during a court disturbance while everyone else must fend for themselves in the courthouse.

the invention of artificial intelligence, a new tool for scammers to use against us.

supporting a presidential candidate who breaks the law and doesn’t believe in our Constitution.

people who raise up both foreign and domestic boogeymen so they don’t have to deal with the real problems.

giving the representative a slap on the wrist when anybody else would have been charged with a felony.

Happy Birthday to

John Dunlap.

Brenda Bean, from your family and Donna.

Cindy Boll, from your family and Donna.

Logan Peck, from your family and Donna.

Mrs. Anna Jesse, a blessed and happy birthday, from James Stephen.