Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
Aug. 3
Orchids to
the Indiana Gas Company employee for your thoughtfulness in replacing and repositioning our safety sign and making my day! from a grateful customer.
Missy at Columbus Custom Cabinets for her alterations service, from a satisfied customer.
Dr. Stout for his letter.
Special Counsel Jack Smith for valiantly protecting our democracy.
Dr. David Stout for expressing what everybody in Seymour feels too.
Onions to
school districts that build schools for $60 million.
school districts that build new rather than redistrict.
telling us the outrageous amount of money to be spent on school projects will keep taxes flat translates into taxes will remain high and never be reduced.
thinking the driver in front of you will run a red light so you rear end them because you intend to run the red light after them.
the party who’s top two choices for president are a criminal in denial, or a supporter of censorship, and false racist teachings in education.
the parade of vehicles during the house fire in my neighborhood this week that made it difficult for the firefighter vehicles to get through.
corporations that put people in positions based on gender rather than qualifications.
venomous political rhetoric from both sides, remember all parties are innocent until proven guilty.
corporations that conduct long two-day meetings to get to know people meanwhile actual work doesn’t get finished and deadlines are missed.
any person who moves away from their home and leaves animal(s) unattended, in or out of the house.
the government official whose carefully timed actions are just another diversion from the corruption of his own bosses.
people who are speeding at 50 or 60 mph on the main north-south street through downtown Columbus.
Happy Belated Birthday to
Father Clem, from Jay Baker and all of St. B’s people.
Mr. Cray at Kroger on No. 80, from Jay Baker and Folger and Felay.
Happy Anniversary to
Jim and Julie Swegman, love from all of your family.
Scott and April Felipijan, from Jay Baker and all your friends.