Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
Aug. 15
Orchids to
the young men who stopped to help the wrecked bicyclist in Tipton Lakes, to the guy who hit me, sorry I responded with some anger; I’m sure it was traumatic for you too.
banning all the book banning-minded minorities from all the board meetings.
Columbus engineering and street department for help in closing down Ninth Street for the Historic Downtown Neighborhood Alliance Block Party, from the alliance.
Bud Herron on the article on Robert D. Garton.
Onions to
the road striping company for leaving no way to turn into CVS without getting yellow paint on my $30,000 car!
those so overly-obsessed on a border crisis that they use it as reason for all of society’s ills, whether locally or nationally.
the organization that pays for study after study just to get the answer they want.
prices never going back to pre-inflation amounts because suppliers will continue to charge exorbitant amounts even when their costs are decreasing.
those who keep complaining about art forgetting this is Columbus which is known for art.
the school counselor who finds ways not to work with kids.
school office staff who gets feelings hurt when questioned by staff members.
not realizing the only vulgarity and profanity at the board meeting was read from the books on the school library shelves.
hiring construction companies to build art projects, enough is enough.
designing the brand new asphalt bowl-shaped area between Parkside School and the playground with no drain allowing a “lake” in the middle from rain.
the current administration for its sad failures on multiple fronts to protect and advance our country.
businesses that make decisions for the masses that don’t think of the unintended consequences.
the local elementary school for already sending home two fundraisers since school started.
those who want to remove our only public, greenspace in downtown to create more unaffordable, cookie-cutter, ugly apartments.
wasting millions of dollars on the former federal elected official.
local company security that was brash and rude and would not allow pictures of downtown architecture.
the negativity about the Crump and mocking the efforts of good people trying to save one of the last remaining iconic buildings in our city.
elementary teachers who spent hours of instruction time on Friday online trying to get Taylor Swift tickets.
the cartoonist who didn’t show the real person who is destroying the rule of law.
the police department for not doing anything about the drugs in the city.
Happy Birthday to
Susan Niccum, from your family and Donna.