Letter: Vote for Tom Dell for Columbus City Council

From: Tom Hinshaw


A vote for Tom Dell is a vote for Columbus. Tom was born in Columbus and grew up in Columbus. He serves the community in his store. Tom is a part of the fabric of Columbus, and he wants to help make Columbus as good as it can be. Tom is a man of character, willing to make the sacrifice of time and focus to serve on our City Council.

Tom is concerned about fair housing for our community and those issues that include our homeless population. Tom wants the homeless individuals to have a better life through their housing.

As the owner of a long established and respected local business, Tom is well aware of delivering value. He delivers value to his business customers and value to our Columbus citizens through the city council. He knows the city budget capabilities as well as the budget limitations. He’s experienced the city infrastructure needs and resources to meet those needs. Tom wants Columbus to have the best return of the public dollar, for the value of all Columbus citizens.

Vote for Tom Dell for the Columbus City Council. He is truly a highly qualified, motivated and experienced public servant, working for the good of Columbus.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee.