Pet food distribution is Thursday

Friends of Columbus Animal Care Services (FCACS) will be handing out pet food through a Furry Friends Food Bank distribution on Thursday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Columbus Municipal Airport, 4770 Ray Boll Blvd.

The pet food will be distributed in the parking lot in front of the plane, Charlie 119.

The purpose of the pantry is to assist local community members with keeping their pets in their home and out of area shelters. Pet food will be available from the van until supplies last. Mixed brands of cat food will be distributed in 4.5 pound bags and dog food in 14.5 pound bags.

Plan to stay in vehicles and line up on the west side of the driveway for the food. The food will be brought to your vehicle.

This program is one of several Friends of Columbus Animal Care Services initiatives designed as “alternatives to intake” at the shelter. Friends of Columbus Animal Care Services is the 501(c)(3) non-profit partner of Columbus Animal Care Services.

In the event of bad weather, there will be no distribution during active thunder and lightning but will if simply raining.