Looking Back – Feb. 4

Kate Slabosky talks with her seventh grade science class on Jan. 31, 2014, at Central Middle School. The class was one of the pre-advance placement classes offered at Central, designed to prepare students for high school AP courses.

From The Republic archives


Columbus East High School boys basketball raised its record to 10-2 overall and 3-1 in the Hoosier Hills Conference with a 72-50 win against visiting Seymour. East coach Brent Chitty said the team was doing everything they could to prepare for a wild and tremendously competitive sectional.


Columbus North High School students visited Donner Center to help children ages 3 to 5 make Valentine’s Day card holders and heart wreathes during Kiddie Corner-Heart Land. The children participating in the class also gave and received cards.


A celebration was held in Hope for resident Martin Everroad, who won his battle with cancer. Despite the many congratulations sent his way, Everroad stated “I’m just the same as I was before, only more thankful now.”