Around Town – Feb. 13

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Feb. 13

Orchids to

the editorial stating the fact that our state legislators do not listen to their constituents and the sad thing is they don’t even care what the majority wants.

the people in Columbus who were really helpful getting my dad’s medicine to him, thank you.

Onions to

self-proclaimed Christians who ignore Matthew 25:41-45.

the city for controlling or taking part in any property leasing/rental for restaurants or any other business.

the idiotic political stunt of sending Indiana National Guard troops to Texas, when we could use that money to help Hoosier babies, moms and schools.

our self-serving state representatives that we have to put up with.

veterans who continue to support the former president after his repeated disrespect and mockery of our veterans and members of our military.

the neighbors that back their cars in their drive way and shine their lights in windows when coming and going.

the neighbors that have their guests park right in front of their driveway making it difficult for the neighbors across the street to back out of their driveway especially when it is dark.

the negative editorial about our state legislators.

the pro-football player who seems to be as petulant as his celebrity girlfriend.

Happy Birthday to

Mae Pack, from Friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

Hannah Goddard, from Friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

Mae Pack on No. 92, from Lee and Rickie.