Bodart is next principal at Mt. Healthy Elementary


Dana Bodart will become the next principal at Mt. Healthy Elementary starting July 1.

Bodart is a graduate of Columbus North High School, received a bachelor of science degree from IU Columbus, a bachelor of education degree from Olivet Nazarene University and an administrative certificate from Indiana Wesleyan.

She’s taught first and second grade at Taylorsville Elementary, at Schmidt Elementary in second grade Title 1 and served as an instructional coach. Bodart went on to become assistant principal at Parkside and has been interim principal at Rock Creek Elementary since December.

“I am deeply appreciative of the trust and confidence that you have place in me,” Bodart said. “I am committed to upholding the values of Mt. Healthy, fostering a culture of academic excellence and ensuring the holistic growth and development of every student under our care.”