Prime Time budget for March 27, 2024


One paw at a time; volunteer dog walkers make a difference

Volunteers at the Bartholomew County Humane Society come from various walks of life, but they share a common passion.

Slug: 03272024cr-Prime-Time-Dog-Walkers

Length: 18.6 inches

Art: BCHS-volunteers-1 (15)

Breakouts: none

Mangas Column

Candy, Huck Finn and Charlotte’s Web; books that cure curiosity

Reading books: The good ones, great ones, boring ones and controversial ones help open minds and aid in critical-thinking skills. Two things we could all use more of these days.

Slug: 03272024cr-Prime-Time-Mangas-Column

Length: 16.8 inches

Art: sharon-mangas.jpg

Breakouts: none