Around Town – April 30

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

April 30

Orchids to

Toyota Material Handling for making Earth Day 2024 a great event, from Bartholomew County Solid Waste Management District.

former federal official for turning lemons to lemonade by speaking to construction workers before going in to trial.

all of our Earth Day 2024 vendors, from Bartholomew County Solid Waste Management District.

Onions to

the shameful performance of some members of the Supreme Court during Thursday hearings.

Indiana politicians who care more about guns rights than our rights to live with unpolluted air, unpolluted land, and unpolluted waters, it’s time to remove them, and change IDEM regulations.

the previously elected leader of this country who made fun of many, even the handicapped, but cannot take a joke, and would not attend the Correspondents Dinner when he was in office.

those trying to force all to follow their antiquated religious beliefs by bullying after prom to cancel harmless activities the majority of students wanted like Bingo and a tarot card reader.

violent hate speech on college campuses by those claiming to be part a terrorist group forcing other students to leave out of fear for their safety.

college administrators who will enforce neither rules affecting their disruptive students nor laws affecting those who are trespassing on their campuses.