Around Town – May 21

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

May 21

Orchids to

the lady who works at JC store for paying for my food, God bless you, from Jeff Bailey.

Onions to

local government and non-profit organizations continuing to acquire property that takes that property off the tax roles.

the previous federal elected official and his relentless whining about all his problems and being wrongfully persecuted when there’s no one to blame but himself.

those who don’t realize that marijuana is still not permitted by federal law for recreational or otherwise use.

the underground internet installer that has torn up several portions of the newly-installed People Trail sidewalk along Westenedge Drive.

politicians making appearances in a New York courtroom when they should be in D.C. “doing the people’s work.”

drivers making illegal U-turns on a red light at a busy school crossing at National Road and Home.

the bright white light in the Home Avenue alley between 23rd and 24th that shines like daylight in my bedroom window while I’m trying to sleep.

the opinion section that goes after the previous administration but rarely talks about the current administration blunders, let’s be fair.

Happy Birthday to

Erica Miller, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

Misty Whitaker, from the Morrow family.

Happy Anniversary to

Ron and Nancy Murphy Speer.