Local Opinion

Dam concerns are something we’ll be hearing about


An aging dam on the north side of Youth Camp Lake in western Bartholomew County was seeping enough that those responsible for it recently lowered the lake’s level by 15 feet as a precaution. That relieved some pressure, but it’s a short-term fix.

Bud Herron: An all-American, star-spangled cat


My cat, Scooby, claims to be a true American shorthair. Particularly around the Fourth of July, he emphasizes the “American” part of his lineage as proof of his patriotism. And he looks down his whiskers at the more common domestic shorthairs whose families cannot trace their clowders back to Europe and colonial times.

Michael Leppert: Noted Hoosier thinkers collaborate on timely book


The great Chicago philosopher of the 1980s, Ferris Bueller, said: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Quick takes editorial: Robotics camps build opportunity


Kids love Legos, and when you combine them with robotics to create little programmable vehicles, does it get much better?

Brian Howey: Deja vu and D.C. Stephenson’s dark shadow in the Heartland


Since Donald Trump descended the escalator in 2015 to kick off this political era, I’ve sought a historic parallel, a similar personality who captured the hearts and minds of many Hoosiers.

Niki Kelly: Gas tax hikes are as predictable as fireworks in July


When fireworks and flags roll around, so do Indiana’s gas tax hikes.

Rima Shahid: Indiana women wait, but not on the sidelines


Since last fall, Indiana women have been playing a waiting game, held in suspense while their reproductive rights hang in the balance.

Editorial: Gun violence increasingly targets young people


Kingston Perez is 3 years old. He is a victim of gun violence.

Michael Leach: How to successfully remain sober this Fourth of July


The Fourth of July is an incredibly festive time. Millions of American families come together to celebrate freedom and independence. Across the country are barbecues, festivals, celebrations and fireworks. July Fourth is also America’s top beer-drinking holiday. An estimated $1 billion dollars is spent on beer nationwide during the weekend.