Local Opinion

Jay Ambrose: Do we need protection from ‘Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah’?


Listen, I don’t want to sound authoritarian, but I hereby announce that the coming week is “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah Week,” and that everyone 16 or older is required to sing its lyrics in public at least once a day. After all, the oomph of this delightful ditty has been making millions feel bubbly for decades, and now its Disney owners are banning it from their domain.

Transgender bill concerns merited


A bill in the Indiana General Assembly whose authors and backers said it aimed to protect the rights of parents appears dead this session. There is nothing to mourn in its reported demise.

John Krull: Mike Pence sees a path ahead


Mike Pence may have figured things out.

Lee Hamilton: Being a good citizen harder than it used to be


A couple of decades ago, I wrote a book in which I talked about what it takes to be a good citizen in a representative democracy like ours. I thought the principles I laid out were timeless, but I recently reread them and boy, they seem a lot less clear-cut now.

Michael Hicks: Remote work through the eyes of 3 young women


It must be said again and again that 48.2 percent of college graduates in the U.S. were working remotely, according to the February 2023 census survey. That number is up slightly from late 2021, suggesting that remote work is here to stay.

Kristen Laeace: Dementia care gets personal at legislature


One by one, the members of the House Public Health Committee voted aye to support a program of Dementia Care Specialists in conjunction with the Indiana Division of Aging and the Indiana Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs).

Niki Kelly: Time for lawmakers to step up on birth control access


When lawmakers passed a near-total abortion ban last summer in a special session, several key Republicans talked about expanding access to birth control as a companion piece.

Nathan Gotsch: Pi’s amusing footnote in Indiana history


Purdue University mathematics professor Clarence Waldo was only at the Indiana Statehouse to lobby for the school during budget talks in February of 1897. That’s when he happened to witness House Bill 246 – to legally change the value of the number pi to 3.2 – pass its third and final reading in the General Assembly’s lower house.

Editorial: Columbus is ready for its close-up


Last week’s shooting of a short film in Columbus — including at the landmark Zaharakos ice cream parlor — was the latest reminder of just how much we have in our community that is unique and makes our city and region a destination.