Local Opinion

Mark Franke: Air conditioning: The cause of all our woes


I have finally figured out the root cause of all our woes — air conditioning.

Keith Gambill: Celebrating public schools at the start of a new year


As we prepare to welcome our students back to school, I’m feeling a sense of excitement and pride for the educational journey that lies ahead for our students this year. Indiana’s public schools are the foundation of our society, and they provide a nurturing environment where our students can grow, learn and thrive.

Quick takes editorial: Solar power a wise investment


Columbus City Utilities is planning to install a solar array on 2.5 acres of land at the city’s wastewater treatment plant off State Road 11, and doing so is a great investment. Other city utilities and public entities should consider the potential benefits of such investments, not just for the good of the climate, but in the interests of ratepayers and taxpayers.

Editorial: A Hope charity’s refreshing success


A root beer float sure does hit the spot.

Brian Howey: Indiana becoming an abortion restriction island


Indiana is turning into an abortion island. Girded by gerrymandered General Assembly maps, along with an anemic and broke Democrat Party, a year ago Republican supermajorities passed and Gov. Eric Holcomb signed some of the most restrictive anti-abortion measures in the United States.

Niki Kelly: An ode to the Indiana State Fair (without the rhyming)


I know it’s the end of summer and kids are headed back to school. But if you have one more hurrah in you, I encourage you to head to the Indiana State Fair — especially if you live outside central Indiana.

Michael Hicks: ‘Housing crisis’ is a neighborhood problem


Every time I’ve sat down with economists over the past few months, we have lamented the dismal state of the housing policy discussion. Against stiff competition, it is easily the most poorly informed policy debate in America. Maybe a few facts will help.

Editorial: Teachers of the Year remind us to value educators


As a new school year is underway, we’d like to take salute all of the excellent schoolteachers in our area. There are few public servants from whom so much is asked, whose educational requirements are so extensive, and whose professionalism is so critical to inspiring future generations.