Local Opinion

Lee Hamilton: U.S.-Israeli partnership shows signs of strain


Israeli President Isaac Herzog celebrated the “sacred bond” between the United States and Israel when he spoke to a joint session of Congress last month. But recent developments have tested that bond as rarely before in Israel’s 75-year history.

John Krull: Mike Pence turns the key


People so often misread Mike Pence.

Editorial: Cummins’ strong earnings latest good news story


Cummins’ continued success as the global powerhouse’s business evolves is quite a story — one that is closely watched on Wall Street as well as on Main Streets throughout our region and across Indiana.

Editorial: Americans should read Trump indictment


Whatever your opinion of former President Donald Trump, and whatever your opinion of special counsel Jack Smith, there is no denying that we are living through an unparalleled historical moment, brought about by unprecedented events.

Ray Niedbalski: Trans people ‘just want to live our lives’


It’s difficult being an LGBTQIA+ person right now, but it is perhaps the most difficult being a trans person. I am a trans man who has been out for more than a year, and it was bittersweet to celebrate this anniversary. I am the happiest that I’ve ever been now that I’m out and don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not just to please other people, but it was, and still is, a rocky road.

Aaron Miller: It’s never too late for a fresh start


One of the greatest things about living in America is the freedom to reinvent ourselves. Our history is replete with those who started over again — and found tremendous success.

Morton Marcus: Artificial intelligence and the artful use of data


My buddy, Art Aloe, was laughing into his beer when I walked into the bar. “I’m just enjoying the AI predictions used to scare us about the future. Did you see the front page of the Indianapolis Star Friday the 28th?”

Editorial: Crump Theatre ready to reopen?


Columbus’ Crump Theatre has been closed for nearly a decade, but that could change perhaps within a couple of weeks.

Bud Herron: Don’t mess with what isn’t working


I have been thinking about starting a company.