
DA defends ending deals with lawyer who called office racist

The elected district attorney in Pittsburgh is defending his decision to stop offering plea deals to clients of a Black criminal defense lawyer who...

NFL judge: Lawyers for Black players can join mediation

PHILADELPHIA — The federal judge presiding over the NFL’s $1 billion settlement of brain injury claims on Thursday invited lawyers for Black players who...

Arizona GOP election audit draws Republican politicians

PHOENIX — Three Pennsylvania lawmakers will be in Arizona Wednesday to check out the state Senate GOP’s partisan audit of the 2020 election. ...

NFL pledges to halt ‘race-norming,’ review Black claims

PHILADELPHIA — The NFL on Wednesday pledged to halt the use of “race-norming” — which assumed Black players started out with lower cognitive functioning...

NFL pledges to halt ‘race-norming,’ review Black claims

PHILADELPHIA — The NFL on Wednesday pledged to halt the use of “race-norming” — which assumed Black players started out with lower cognitive functioning...

Philly police officer fired over Facebook posts reinstated

PHILADELPHIA — The Philadelphia police department has reinstated an officer fired in 2019 over Facebook posts saying among other things that refugees should “starve...

More states ease lingering virus rules as vaccine rates rise

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Just in time for Memorial Day weekend, more U.S. cities and states are shrugging off lingering COVID-19 restrictions as vaccination rates...

Kentucky ties to Baptist kids agency at risk over gay rights

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A cultural clash pitting religious beliefs against gay rights has jeopardized Kentucky's long-running relationship with a foster care and adoption agency...

River herring, once eyed for endangered list, grow in counts

PORTLAND, Maine — A small fish that has been the subject of conservation efforts for years appears to be growing in number in the...

Walter the friendly grouse becomes man’s backyard companion

NEW LONDON, N.H. — Some people are greeted by the family dog. For Todd Westward, it's a ruffed grouse. ...