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Tag: Beijing

Australian envoy denied access to trial of citizen in China

BEIJING — The Australian ambassador to China said it was “regrettable” that the embassy was denied access Thursday as a trial was due to...

Biden’s solar ambitions collide with China labor complaints

BEIJING — The Biden administration’s solar power ambitions are colliding with complaints the global industry depends on Chinese raw materials that might be produced...

US general: As US scales back in Mideast, China may step in

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — As the United States scales back its military presence across the Middle East to focus on great power competition with...

South Korea’s Moon to nudge Biden on North Korea diplomacy

South Korean President Moon Jae-in is hoping Friday's White House meeting with President Joe Biden will lead to renewed diplomatic urgency by the U.S....

New England Pats gives flight to China’s vaccine diplomacy

MIAMI — The New England Patriots' team plane has delivered 500,000 Chinese-made COVID vaccines to El Salvador — and in the process inadvertently inserted...

Chinese authorities order video denials by Uyghurs of abuses

URUMQI, China — China has highlighted an unlikely series of videos this year in which Uyghur men and women deny U.S. charges that Beijing...

Founder of TikTok’s Chinese owner stepping down as CEO

BEIJING — The founder of TikTok’s Chinese owner said Thursday he will give up his job as CEO to focus on longer-term initiatives, a...

EU threatens to freeze huge investment deal with China

BRUSSELS — The European Parliament warned China on Thursday it won't ratify a long-awaited business investment deal as long as sanctions against European Union...

Hong Kong’s new Catholic bishop wants plurality respected

HONG KONG — Hong Kong’s incoming Roman Catholic bishop Stephen Chow called for plurality to be respected, in a time of polarization in the...

House Speaker Pelosi backs 2022 Olympics diplomatic boycott

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Tuesday for a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics, citing human rights abuses by China's government. ...