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Tag: Central Asia

Biden to join NATO leaders at June 14 summit in Brussels

BRUSSELS — U.S. President Joe Biden and other leaders of NATO member countries plan to discuss tense ties with Russia and China, the troop...

US troops in Afghanistan begin packing gear in pullout prep

KABUL, Afghanistan — The U.S. military has begun shipping equipment and winding down contracts with local service providers ahead of the May 1 start...

General: Afghan military will collapse without some US help

WASHINGTON — Afghanistan’s military “will certainly collapse” without some continued American support once all U.S. troops are withdrawn, the top U.S. general for the...

Suicide bombing in Afghan capital as peace meeting delayed

KABUL, Afghanistan — A suicide bombing in the Afghan capital injured four people, the government said, hours before Turkey announced the delay of a...

Germany: Deliberations underway for early Afghan withdrawal

BERLIN — Discussions are underway among military planners with the NATO-led Resolute Support Mission in Kabul for a possible withdrawal of international troops from...

Afghanistan withdrawal draws concerns over abducted American

WASHINGTON — As the U.S. moves to withdraw its military from Afghanistan over the next five months, concerns are growing about one American who...

General says Afghan withdrawal will make terror fight harder

WASHINGTON — In a blunt assessment Tuesday, the top U.S. general for the Middle East told Congress it will be extremely difficult but not...

Refugees win rare victory in Serbia landmark pushback ruling

BELGRADE, Serbia — Hamid Ahmadi still can feel the cold of the February night when Serbian police left him and two dozen other refugees...

Germany promises help for local staff amid Afghan withdrawal

BERLIN — The German defense minister says she wants to help bring some Afghan employees of her country's military to Germany as it prepares...

American, 2 Russians return to Earth from space station

MOSCOW — An American astronaut and two Russians have returned to Earth after six months aboard the International Space Station. ...