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Tag: Child abuse

Judge rejects plea deal for darknet child porn purveyor

COLLEGE PARK, Md. — A federal judge rejected a plea agreement on Wednesday that called for 15 to 21 years in prison for a...

Report on campus doctor raises flags about iconic coach

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — A report about the stunning lack of action at the University of Michigan while a rogue doctor was sexually assaulting...

Charges filed after mummy of spiritual leader found in home

DENVER — Prosecutors have charged seven people after the mummified body of the leader of a spiritual group called Love Has Won was found...

Judge sets November for start of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial

NEW YORK — Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial will start in November on charges that she recruited teenage girls for financier Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse...

Florida clears officials in treatment of Jeffrey Epstein

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Florida detectives have cleared Palm Beach County prosecutors and sheriff's officials of criminal wrongdoing in connection with their handling of...

Florida clears officials in treatment of Jeffrey Epstein

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Florida detectives have cleared Palm Beach County prosecutors and sheriff's officials of criminal wrongdoing in connection with their handling of...

Florida clears officials in treatment of Jeffrey Epstein

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Florida detectives have cleared Palm Beach County prosecutors and sheriff's officials of criminal wrongdoing in connection with their handling of...

Florida clears officials in treatment of Jeffrey Epstein

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Florida detectives have cleared Palm Beach County prosecutors and sheriff's officials of criminal wrongdoing in connection with their handling of...

Arrested youth detention center worker was fired, rehired

CONCORD, N.H. — A former worker at a New Hampshire youth detention center recently charged with holding down a teenage boy during a rape...

After years, court hands tax win to Michael Jackson heirs

LOS ANGELES — A U.S. tax court has handed a major victory to the estate of Michael Jackson in a years-long battle, finding that...