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Kentucky lawmakers send bipartisan election bill to governor

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Kentucky lawmakers finished work Monday night on a bipartisan election measure to make early voting a Bluegrass state fixture — a...

Former SC governor, congressman Sanford joins lobbying firm

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Mark Sanford, the former South Carolina governor, congressman and one-time presidential candidate, is going to work for a lobbying firm. ...

Leader of Merkel’s party vows to boost German voters’ trust

BERLIN — The new leader of Chancellor Angela Merkel's party pledged Tuesday to restore voters' confidence after discontent over Germany's pandemic management and a...

Syrian who fled to Germany drops out of race for parliament

BERLIN — A Syrian man who came to Germany as an asylum-seeker in 2015 and was running for a seat in parliament in his...

Latest graphic novel about John Lewis coming in August

NEW YORK — The award-winning series of graphic novels about congressman and civil rights activist John Lewis will continue a year after his death....

Sánchez reshuffles Cabinet to have 4 women in top jobs

MADRID — Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez reshuffled his Cabinet on Tuesday by appointing women to the top positions after one of his deputies...

Newsmax keeps most, not all, of post-election samplers

NEW YORK — The trajectory of the conservative network Newsmax is a clear example of how statistics can tell different stories, depending on how...

A key to bridging the political divide: Sit down and talk?

NEW YORK — A few years ago, Dave Isay started worrying about America as he saw the middle ground between the political parties vanish...

Israel’s political stalemate to land at Rivlin’s doorstep

TEL AVIV, Israel — President Reuven Rivlin announced Monday that he will begin consultations next week with Israel's political rivals in hopes of unraveling...

Belarus opens terrorism probe against opposition leader

KYIV, Ukraine — Belarus authorities on Monday announced a criminal probe against the nation's top opposition figure on charges of terrorism, a move that...