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Tag: Government and politics

China, NKorea loom as Blinken, Austin head to Asia

WASHINGTON — Threats from China and North Korea will loom large over the Biden administration's first Cabinet-level trip abroad, part of a larger effort...

Once a virus epicenter, Los Angeles set to reopen – partly

LOS ANGELES — The last time Brittney Valles welcomed diners into Guerrilla Tacos, her restaurant was open for a mere five hours in July...

German election year opens with tough test for Merkel party

BERLIN — Elections in two German states on Sunday pose a difficult test for Chancellor Angela Merkel's party, six months before a national vote...

Immigrant crime victims hope for change to visas under Biden

HARRISBURG, Pa. — In a bid to become a legal permanent resident of the United States, she says she lives in fear, afraid both...

Call me? US-Turkey reset faces long list of hurdles

ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has toned down his anti-Western and anti-US rhetoric in an apparent effort to reset the rocky...

Fauci: Trump should urge his followers to get vaccinated

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday he wishes former President Donald Trump would use his popularity among Republicans to persuade his followers to get the...

Immigrant living in church for years wins temporary reprieve

BEDFORD, Mass. — A Guatemalan woman who has been living in a Massachusetts church for more than three years to avoid deportation has been...

UN urges Somalia to organize elections without delay

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council urged Somalia’s government on Friday to organize elections “without delay” in a resolution that stressed the pressing...

Le Graet re-elected as French Football Federation president

PARIS — French Football Federation president Noel Le Graet was re-elected on Saturday despite opposition from anti-racism activists who describe him as out of...

Washington State lands naming rights deal for stadium field

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State has reached a deal for the naming rights to the playing field at Martin Stadium that will guarantee the...