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Tag: Political issues

In Pope’s homeland, ex-priest leaves church over gay unions

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — A former priest and LGBTQ activist who has blessed same-sex unions in Pope Francis’ home country, Argentina, is leaving the...

With striking of Black juror, Floyd activists see racism

MINNEAPOLIS — A prospective juror who once lived in the neighborhood where George Floyd was arrested told the attorney for an ex-officer charged in...

Arkansas abortion bill would require rape, incest reports

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The Arkansas Senate on Thursday voted to require victims of rape and incest to have first reported the crime to...

House scuttles GOP attempt to boot Swalwell from intel panel

WASHINGTON — The House has dismissed a Republican attempt to remove California Rep. Eric Swalwell from the House intelligence panel over his contact more...

Nicaragua’s Indigenous tell OAS of killings, land takeovers

MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Nicaragua’s Indigenous groups complained Thursday to the InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights about land takeovers and killings that have hit the...

Prominent Egyptian activist jailed 18-months for ‘fake news’

CAIRO — An Egyptian court on Wednesday convicted a prominent human rights activist of spreading false news, and insulting a police officer, sentencing her...

Cuomo crisis recalls Northam’s; supporters say no comparison

RICHMOND, Va. — The political crisis engulfing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has triggered a flurry of comparisons to another chief executive who once...

Russia recalls its ambassador to the U.S. for consultations

MOSCOW — Russia is recalling its ambassador to the United States for consultations, the foreign ministry said Wednesday. ...

US wants life in prison for brother of Honduras president

NEW YORK — A brother of Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernández should be sentenced to life in prison for running a “state-sponsored drug trafficking...

Top US officials weigh North Korea options in talks in Seoul

SEOUL, South Korea — Fresh off a stop in Tokyo, President Joe Biden’s top diplomat and defense chief traveled to South Korea on Wednesday,...