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US officials: Anxiety drove vaccine reactions in 5 states

NEW YORK — It was anxiety — and not a problem with the shots — that caused reactions in dozens of people at coronavirus...

SpaceX making 1st US crew splashdown in dark since Apollo 8

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — SpaceX this weekend will attempt the first U.S. splashdown of returning astronauts in darkness since the Apollo 8 moonshot in...

Gazan behind Mars drone says visiting home is no small step

BEIT HANOUN, Gaza Strip — Space engineer Loay Elbasyouni was part of the NASA team that made history this month by launching an experimental...

US agency to look at bringing back bison on Montana refuge

BILLINGS, Mont. — U.S. officials said they will consider in coming years whether to reintroduce wild bison to a million-acre (400,000-hectare) federal wildlife refuge...

Modified mosquitoes to fight illness in Florida Keys

MIAMI — Genetically modified mosquitoes are being released in the Florida Keys in an effort to combat persistent insect-borne diseases such as Dengue fever...

Flooding and mudslides add to St. Vincent’s volcano woes

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent — Heavy rains poured down on the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on Thursday, causing flooding and mudslides that...

UConn student arrested after swastika painted on building

STORRS, Conn. — A UConn student has been charged with a hate crime after police say he painted a swastika on a campus building...

Senate confirms former Florida Sen. Bill Nelson to lead NASA

WASHINGTON — The Senate has confirmed former Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, who once flew on the space shuttle, to be the next NASA administrator. ...

Hail collapses roof over Mexico City’s main Aztec temple

MEXICO CITY — The pre-Hispanic ruins of Mexico City’s Templo Mayor archaeological site suffered minor but reparable damage when large sections of a corrugated...

US pushes ahead with nuclear plans despite watchdog concerns

Associated Press — The Biden administration appears to be picking up where former President Donald Trump left off as the federal agency that oversees...