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Tag: Species conservation and preservation

Warming oceans mean smaller baby sharks struggle to survive

PORTLAND, Maine — The warming of worldwide oceans from climate change means baby sharks are at risk of being born smaller and without the...

US states look to step up wolf kills, pushed by Republicans

BILLINGS, Mont. — Payments for dead wolves. Unlimited hunting of the animals. Shooting wolves from the air. ...

Crocodile hunt: Search on for escaped reptiles in S. Africa

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — Police and conservation officers were searching Friday for an unknown number of young crocodiles that escaped earlier in the...

Government offers plan to release more endangered red wolves

Government wildlife officials released two more critically endangered red wolves into the wild in North Carolina and could place several more captive-bred wolves into...

Louisiana challenges California ban on alligator products

NEW ORLEANS — In the Trump administration’s last days, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed a change to rules protecting alligators - a...