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Tag: State budgets

Indiana lawmakers planning on return for redistricting votes

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana lawmakers won’t be done for the year when their regular legislative session ends later this month. ...

Indiana school voucher expansion rolled back in Senate plan

INDIANAPOLIS — A proposed expansion of Indiana’s private school voucher program would be scaled back under the new state budget plan from state Senate...

Iraqi parliament approves budget of $89 billion for 2021

BAGHDAD — Iraq’s parliament on Wednesday approved the state budget for 2021, after weeks of wrangling amid a severe economic and financial crisis spurred...

Treasury says some state tax cuts OK under Biden relief act

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Responding to concerns from state officials, the U.S. Treasury Department said Wednesday that states can cut taxes without penalty under...

Indiana could see $5.8 billion in new COVID relief money

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana officials have yet to describe any big plans for the influx of federal money expected from the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief...

States drawing up big wish lists for the COVID relief money

State governments will get a big influx of federal money from the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that could suddenly enable them to undertake...

School boards push back against Indiana voucher expansions

INDIANAPOLIS — Local school leaders across Indiana are lining up against a Republican-backed school funding plan over concerns it wold give private schools a...

Cuomo impeachment talk grows in New York Legislature

ALBANY, N.Y. — As he’s reeled from twin scandals over his treatment of women and COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes, New York Gov. Andrew...

Indiana lawmakers face school voucher, virus action debates

INDIANAPOLIS — Republicans who dominate Indiana’s Legislature have several debates to settle among themselves after the first half of this year’s session, including how...

Kraken trying to help revive hockey at Alaska Anchorage

SEATTLE — Even before playing their first game as a franchise, the Seattle Kraken are trying to help revive a college hockey program more...