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Unbeatable backstrokers: Murphy looks to extend US dominance

ATLANTA — The last time the American men lost a backstroke race at the Olympics, 25-year-old Ryan Murphy wasn't even born. ...

Matt Biondi picks up where he left off nearly 3 decades ago

Matt Biondi has picked up where he left off nearly three decades ago. ...

Swimming federation to elect leader in shadow of FIFA case

GENEVA — A new president will take over the governing body of swimming on Saturday with a FIFA bribery case casting a shadow on...

Sponsors hail Naomi Osaka’s ‘courage’ on mental health

NEW YORK — A few years ago, a star athlete dropping out of a major tennis tournament over mental health issues might have been...

Paralympic champion swimmer wins prestigious Spanish prize

MADRID — Paralympic champion swimmer Teresa Perales has won Spain’s annual Princess of Asturias award for sports. ...

AP Sportlight

May 28 1901 — Parader, ridden by Fred Landry, overcomes a...

AP Sportlight

May 28 1901 — Parader, ridden by Fred Landry, overcomes a...

Swim star Sun Yang’s 3-day retrial at sports court next week

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — The retrial in three-time Olympic champion swimmer Sun Yang's doping case will be held over three days next week, the Court...

Russian swimmer Kolesnikov lowers 50 back world record again

BUDAPEST, Hungary — For the second consecutive day, Russian swimmer Kliment Kolesnikov improved his own world record in the 50-meter backstroke. ...

Russian swimmer Kolesnikov improves 50 back world record

BUDAPEST, Hungary — Russian swimmer Kliment Kolesnikov improved his own world record in the 50-meter backstroke Monday. ...