Home Tags Voting fraud and irregularities

Tag: Voting fraud and irregularities

McCarthy sets Wednesday vote on Liz Cheney leadership ouster

WASHINGTON — House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy set a Wednesday vote for removing Rep. Liz Cheney from her Republican leadership post in the chamber,...

McCarthy sets Wednesday vote on Liz Cheney leadership ouster

WASHINGTON — House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy set a Wednesday vote for removing Rep. Liz Cheney from her Republican leadership post in the chamber,...

Arizona GOP passes election bill opposed by business leaders

PHOENIX — Arizona Senate Republicans voted Tuesday to make it easier to purge thousands of people from a list of voters who automatically get...

GOP readies blitz against Democrats’ voting rights bill

WASHINGTON — Republicans are preparing to launch an all-out assault on sweeping voting rights legislation, forcing Democrats to take dozens of politically difficult votes...

GOP readies blitz against Democrats’ voting rights bill

WASHINGTON — Republicans are preparing to launch an all-out assault on sweeping voting rights legislation, forcing Democrats to take dozens of politically difficult votes...

In a small New Hampshire town, the 2020 election still rages

WINDHAM, N.H. — Meetings of the Windham Board of Selectmen are usually as sleepy as they sound — a handful of residents from the...

GOP seeks unity, even if that means embracing election lie

WASHINGTON — There's a new buzzword among Republicans in Washington: unity. ...

DeSantis signs GOP-drafted voting bill, legal fight begins

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a sweeping elections bill into law Thursday that he and other Republicans said would place guardrails...

A look at the changes in Florida’s election laws

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a 48-page elections bill Thursday that, despite boasts of a flawless 2020 election, creates many significant...

Wyoming officials steer clear of Cheney peril before vote

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — With Republicans in Washington turning up the heat on Rep. Liz Cheney, the defiant third-term congresswoman faces mixed reviews at home. ...