Historical society offering Christmas events, home tour

The Jennings County Historical Society is fostering an old-fashioned Christmas atmosphere with poetry and book readings, Santa Claus and carolers, and a candlelight tour of a historic house Saturday.

The North American House, at 134 E. Brown St. in downtown Vernon and home of the society’s office and museum, will host free activities from noon to 5 p.m.

Some readings will take place in the parlor. First-person interpreter Chadwick Gillenwater will read the poems of James Whitcomb Riley at 1:30. At varying times, beginning at 2:30, Amy Artis will read aloud the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus.

Built in 1838, the North American House once served as a gracious inn for stage coaches traveling across pioneer Indiana.

“The North American House is all decked out for the holidays,” Jennings County Historical Society President Chris Asher said, adding that “everyone is invited.”

Throughout the afternoon, Santa Claus will be on hand to welcome visitors to the North American House, and Christmas carolers will stroll about the large building.

The event and Christmas programs are free, but pie, hot chocolate and coffee will be served throughout the afternoon for a fee of $3.

After the North American House event ends, a candlelight tour of Chris and Jim Asher’s 1875 historic Italianate home is planned for 5-9 p.m. The home is located at 5665 W. County Road 600N in Scipio.

Admission is $5, and tickets will be sold at the door or at the museum. For more information, call 812-346-8989 or go online at jenningscounty.org.