Opiate treatment center opening

A new opiate treatment center is about to open in Columbus.

Groups Recover Together will begin accepting patients with Opiate Use Disorder starting April 25 at a new center, located at 1017 Third St.

Groups combines weekly group therapy, much like Alcoholics Anonymous, with a prescription medical treatment known as Suboxone, used to treat opiate dependence, said Ashley Hall, Groups regional manager for southeast Indiana.

Groups offices typically handle about 150 patients, Hall said. However, the company already has 100 patients from Columbus who have been visiting its centers in North Vernon, Greensburg or Bloomington.

The centers have been able to help people reduce their drug dependence and resume their work and family commitments, she said.

Cost is $65 per week. Service is mainly self-pay, although Groups accepts Optum and Aetra insurance in Indiana, and is working toward accepting Medicaid, Hall said.

Groups accepts referrals from mental health providers and primary care providers, but also takes walk-ins, Hall said. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 1-800-683-8313.