Name: Delaney Maddix
Age: 17
School: Columbus North High School
Who are your parents/guardians, grandparents and siblings?
Michelle Owens, mother; Jason Maddix, father; Drake Maddix, brother; Don and Naomi Schneck and Ora and Marti Maddix, grandparents.
Which elementary and middle school did you attend?
Southside Middle School and Parkside Elementary School and Northside Middle School.
What is your favorite class or part of the school day and why?
My favorite class is math. I am an analytical thinker, and math is my strongest subject.
In which extracurricular activities do you participate?
Sports including cheerleading, volleyball and hurdles in track and field.
When you’re not in school, where is your favorite place to be and why?
Outside in general. I do not like being stuck in a house all day when I can be enjoying the weather.
What has been your greatest high school memory and why?
Prom, it’s an amazing time with friends. The whole process of prom is a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth it. Getting up early in the morning to get your hair done and the dress shopping, it’s just a point in our lives that we look forward to.
What are you looking forward to after graduation and why?
Getting settled in at college and beginning my studies to become a veterinarian.
Who in your life has inspired you, or whom do you look up to and why?
I look up to anyone acting as a leader, not anyone specific. You can’t always learn everything from one person. It’s good to be diverse.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned from high school?
Don’t procrastinate and listen carefully.