Orchids to …
• Jerry Horn for his Saturday letter to the editor in support of Kristen Brown and telling the truth about the city council.
• Sheila Snively of The Republic for her up-to-date work expertise and old-fashioned kindness.
• Jerry Horn for hitting the nail on its ugly head in his letter in Saturday’s paper.
• the mystery person who paid the bill for our whole table’s breakfast Sunday morning at Kramer’s. Thank you for being so kind.
• Carol Sue McCormick’s Chicago friends for orchestrating a beautiful celebration of her life.
• Donnie Zeigler for helping us through a difficult situation and for doing a great mowing job from Roger and Candace.
• Jerry Horn for a very insightful letter.
• Willow Crossing for the wonderful Halloween gathering, from your fans.
• Dr. Benjamin, foot surgeon, for his exceptional care and skill and also his contribution to the Columbus community.
• Danica Thompson for making all B’s on your report card, from Ma Maw and Pa Paw.
• the lady at the east-side Walmart for paying for the candy last week, from the lady in front of you.
• the many young people today, especially teenagers, who are good and hardworking people, from an old person of 50.
• my granddaughter, Torri Sutton and the Beech Grove Marching Band, for placing in the top 10 at the semistate competition and moving on to the state competition this Saturday at Lucas Oil Stadium.
• the person in the Kia in front of me in the Steak ’n Shake drive thru on Friday night around 10:30 p.m. for paying for my order.
• Krista Slate at Chevrolet of Columbus for great customer service, from Doug.
Onions to …
• losing politicians who promote the poor victim game from their supporters rather than owning up to their own shortcomings and challenges.
• the vocal minority who refuse to accept our city voted in an overwhelming majority for change in leadership.
• the owners of all the vehicles who have very loud mufflers.
• the elected official who ignored the prudent and wise recommendation of the city’s insurance committee and is now blaming others for the mistake.
• those who equate fraud perpetrated to the will of the voters especially when the margin was nearly two to one.
• the owner of the white Dodge diesel 4X4 who delights in purposely blowing black smoke on anyone beside him.
• those who feel sorry for themselves and try to bring everyone else down.
• mobile home park north of town that allows people to play excessively loud music on Sunday mornings and neighbors that have five or six cars per household.
• people who rake big piles of leaves into the roads on city streets when they are supposed to be left on the curb.
• the driver who turned onto National Road at the same time I was turning, despite the fact that I had a green turn arrow and right of way and almost causing an accident.
• folks who move out to the country then expect farms to not act like farms.
• local restaurants who think they need to charge $1.80 or more for a cup of coffee which takes less than 5 cents to make.
• those for not fixing the street light at McIntosh and Jonathan as the children have to stand in the dark because the light will not stay on.
• rude workers at the polls who talked so loudly it was difficult to cast your vote.
• the local Democratic Party for not having a mayoral candidate on the ticket this cycle.
Happy Birthday to …
• Jim Byford, from your family and Donna.
• Emily Burge, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Danielle Eberhart, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Dinah McCartney, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Suzanne McClain, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Josh Shepherd.
• Joseph Kidwell.
• Sophia Farmer.
• William M. Stone.
• Anna McKinney, from Jean, George, Kim, Kathy, Karen and Mark.
• Sheryl Mumma, from the family.
• Marlin Brown, from Pastor Marvin Brown and Trinity Baptist Church.
• Jordan Scott on No. 17, from Mom, Dad, Allison, Matthew, Kaye and Judy.
• Theresa Handley, from Bethel Baptist Church.
• Kathy Rudd, from your loving husband Larry.
Belated Wishes to …
• Bobby Manning, from Pastor Kenny Lee and the Sixth Street Baptist Church.
• Barbara Day, from Bethel Baptist Church.
• Samantha Thompson, from Bethel Baptist Church.
• Michele Dole, from Bethel Baptist Church.
• Evadean Elkins, from Bethel Baptist Church.
• Belated Anniversary wishes to
• John and Mary Smith on No. 54, from Sixth Street Baptist Church.