The Joint Narcotics Enforcement Team has arrested three local residents, accusing them of allegedly being the sources for the “bad heroin” that caused as many as seven overdoses the weekend of Sept. 17 and 18.
Arrested were:
- Christopher P. Rees, 22, 328 Hope Ave., Columbus, on preliminary charges of dealing in heroin, possession of heroin, possession of marijuana and maintaining a common nuisance.
- Andrew C. Ash, 21, 1502 N. Gladstone Ave., Columbus, on preliminary charges of possession of heroin, possession of paraphernalia and maintaining a common nuisance.
- Corey B. Hofelich, 22, 2401 Lafayette Ave., Columbus, on preliminary charges of possession of heroin, possession of a legend drug injection device, possession of paraphernalia and visiting a common nuisance.
The Joint Narcotics Enforcement Team, assisted by the DEA and Columbus Police COPS unit, served a search warrant in the 300 block of Hope Avenue in Columbus on Tuesday, where the three were arrested, police said.
About 5 grams of the suspected “bad heroin” and an additional 9 grams confiscated during the investigation, are being tested to determine if it contains fentanyl or other substances, police said.
For more on this story, see Thursday’s Republic.