Student meal prices in the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. are going up by 10 cents for the 2017-18 school year.
The district is raising them based on a requirement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that stipulates meal prices should be set at $2.86, said Jim Roberts, BCSC superintendent. The increase, which was approved by the BCSC school board Monday evening, was done to adjust the district’s rate until it reaches the $2.86 level set by the USDA, he said.
Schools that charge less than $2.86 for paid lunches during the current school year are required to adjust their weighted average lunch prices under the 2010 Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, said Nancy Millspaugh, BCSC director of food service. The change affects both elementary and secondary lunches.
The 10-cent change is the maximum increase amount a district can implement each year for student lunches. BCSC increased its elementary and secondary school lunch prices 10 cents for the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years, while a 5-cent increase was imposed for this school year.
The 10-cent hike taking effect during the next school year means elementary school lunches will be $2.60 per student, while secondary school lunch prices will be $2.70 per student.
Lunch prices will continue to increase each year until the federal price point is reached, Roberts said.
Other price changes coming next year:
Elementary and secondary breakfast prices will be $1.35 per student. It has been at $1.25 since at least the 2014-15 school year.
Adult lunch prices will rise 20 cents — from $3.10 to $3.30 — since the adult meal price formula set by the USDA was not met this school year, Millspaugh said. The Indiana Department of Education mandated the district to include the required price increase from this year onto the required hike for the next school year, she said.