Around Town – June 7

Orchids to …

• Uriah Pierce, Brian Weed, Kevin Johnson, Jeff Willingham, Andrew Goldsmid, Bill Stache, Bob Layman, Charles Dewey, Don Meier, Ed Tower, Gary Robertson, John Stang, Nick Firestone, Ted Unrue, Eric Hartwell, Doug Otto, and Steve Forster for all you did to assist with fence building at the United Way Center, from the Bartholomew County Historical Society.

• President Trump and First Lady Melania for making America proud at Normandy.

• Percifield’s Radiator shop for quickly getting my air conditioning going on my old red truck.

• The Republic for printing the great two articles written by our own Hoosier Ernie Pyle about D-Day on the Normandy beaches — they are worth the read!

• those who pray for our president to learn what D-Day is and that we need our alliances and NATO.

• Bridget Shields and Barry Kastner for their presentation to the Bartholomew County Indivisible group June 4.

• the St. Bartholomew class encouraging a “no idle” zone at the school.

• the county highway department for fixing County Road 675W.

• Bob Stevens for his letter to the editor in Wednesday’s paper, from someone who totally agrees with him.

• J.D. Muir for all the great things he does for his family and friends.

• Shelby in nuclear medicine at the hospital for being so kind and understanding.

• any American politician fighting to do something about global warming.

• the exceptional care I received at 5 Tower at CRH especially day nurse Susan with Donna, and night nurse Cheryl with Maggie and my physical therapist, Jenna and of course Dr. Federle.

• all Republicans who are waking up and joining the Democratic party.

Onions to …

• homeowners who don’t appreciate dog owners who pick up after their dogs in the owner’s yards.

• the inconsiderate drivers who were driving in the storm without their headlights on making it hard for other drivers to see them.

• those who support the last White House occupant, knowing he did more damage than good.

• a possible Fed rates cut in the midst of Trump’s best economy ever.

• the individual on Third Street who stood two feet away smoking and talking on the phone while watching me struggle mightily with heavy totes on Wednesday, never once offering to simply pull the door open for me.

• the lady who assumed I stole the shopping cart when I had rented it for a quarter from a local discount grocery store.

• impatient drivers who rant in the Onions when they are inconvenienced at four-way stops and by people being picked up or let off.

• House Democrats for trying to give Congress a $4,500 raise from their current salary of $174,000 when they are not accomplishing anything for America.

• city officials for wasting more tax dollars on incompetent consultants on the ridiculous and dangerous vanity project called the riverfront.

• the government employee who acts like they are an elected official.

• ever-increasing taxes on American people hidden in the form of tariffs.

Happy Birthday to …

• Norman Eavey, from Olivia and Ethan Eavey

• Lily Johnson, from Pat, Mike, and family.

• Jayne Hege, from Elsie.

• Lynn Biggs Haskell.

• Marilyn Harris.

• Karyn Konetska.

• Tom Gorman, love Mary and family.

• Jane, from a secret admirer.

Happy Anniversary to …

• Jerry and Betty Bell on no. 50 — I wish her another 50 years stuck with me, love Jerry.

• Ed and Barbara Johnson, from friends at the Moravian Church.

ANOTHER beautiful morning