Orchids to …
• Centra Credit Union for the wonderful donation to Friendship Alley on Washington Street, from the Let’s Grow Garden Club!
• code enforcement and Fred Barnett for condemning and boarding up the blighted drug house on Pearl Street that was ruining a fine neighborhood.
• the Pluris family for the pears.
• the ladies at the visitor’s center, we appreciated your kindness and for allowing us to see the beautiful chandelier! from the classes of Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Lawson.
• the Senate for a unanimous vote to release the whistle-blower complaint described as credible and of urgent concern.
• Debbie at McDonald’s in Taylorsville for your kindness — from Paula.
• the young lady at the dry cleaner’s who helped a handicapped person with his dry-cleaning
• Gene Engelking for all his hard work with the Wednesday night bike ride.
• the young man who held the door open for the lady at the Burger King on Tuesday morning and to his mother for raising him right.
• Lidi Davidson for the idea of and putting together the Born to Lead dinner which was fantastic, from the Bartholomew County Democratic Women.
• Bob Pitman’s letter — what an “amen” after that.
• Bob Pitman for his wonderful letter.
• those calling for an investigation of Joe Biden concerning Ukraine.
Onions to …
• the driver of the bright green Chevy that made a right turn on to U.S. 31 from the left lane of 25th Street.
• people who can’t see that junkets to Asia have brought us nothing but Japanese restaurants and Chinese-made tires.
• not having a law that gives an automatic jail sentence for drivers causing an accident because they were fiddling with their phones.
• the city council candidates who use a family member to pressure employees to vote a certain way, from a concerned voter.
• those thinking (alleged) conditional pledges of support by a president qualify as an impeachable offense, but publicly preen their own feathers when making their own conditional pledges of support for public radio.
• the letter writer whose letter was in the paper on Wednesday
• the letter writer who believes that Trump has lied hundreds of times and seems to think Obama never told a lie in office.
• the letter writer who once again questions Trump supporters’ motives — we just want to keep America great, and this president is doing that.
• anyone that thinks former presidents didn’t lie or bamboozle certain situations.
• people complaining about smoking at the car show and concert — it was outside.
• the owner of the dark-colored SUV that ran a stoplight by Columbus North High School on Tuesday evening who then honked at the person in front of him when they were waiting for a pedestrian in dark clothes to cross the road.
• the young lady who was wearing a black undergarment outfit in a see-through dress during Mass on Sunday.
• the young lady who would not help a handicapped person with their dry-cleaning.
• the person who doesn’t understand railroad horn regulations.
• whoever praises Barack Obama for demonstrating class.
• truck drivers who believe the speed limits don’t apply to them.
Happy Birthday to …
• Talan Rogers, from your family and Donna.
• Linda Haptonstall, from your family, Jan and Donna.
• Tom Goecker from Dad, Jeri, Jane, Brandon, Kristen, and your family and friends.
• Janice Pendleton from your family.
• Luke Robert Swegman, with love from your family.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning