Orchids to …
• for my great friend Pam who worries about me and my great friend Peggy W., thank you both for caring about me.
• for Mary, Julie, Jenny with a Y, both Abby’s, Crystal, Heidi, Sasha, Brittany, Kaycee, Codi, Barb, Dr. Hennig and Dr.Thompson. It took this wonderful surgical team to take care of a 110-pound woman and what a fine job you did.
• The Indiana Department of Natural Resources and The Nature Conservancy for establishing a conservation area to ensure rare yellowwood trees remain part of the Indiana landscape.
• The Flat Rock-Hawcreek Endowment for supporting reading programs at Hope Elementary that allow us to plan reward field trips, from Hope Elementary teachers and students.
• the patriotic Americans participating in the Women’s March on Washington.
Onions to …
• officials creating a “sanctuary” county.
• the elected federal official for diverting money from our military budget to build his wall, instead of making Mexico pay for it as he promised.
• a letter writer who misstated “facts.”
• the entitled couple who walked their dog inside the mall.
• a local federal official taking campaign contributions from Robert Hyde.
• city elected officials for spending our money like drunken sailors.
• those who don’t agree that onions should be published every day — we need an occasional laugh on the other days too.
• police officers who do nothing about people who speed through Flat Rock.
• the local official and state official for vowing not to enforce any new legally-enacted gun laws in violation of their oath of office and undermining the rule of law and our democracy.
• elected officials who think they are above the law because all rights are subject to reasonable limits.
• the current administration in Washington for making climate change worse instead of being a leader for the world.
• the onions and orchids for creating a political situation.
• presidential contender who wants to cut Social Security.
Happy Birthday to …
• Mike Trimnell from your family.
• Jimmy Fields, from Luretta and Eddie.
• Belated Birthday to
• Betty Johnson, from Luretta and your friends at AT&T.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Rev. Robert Thompson for 10 wonderful years, from your wife, Rosemary.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning