The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is accepting applications for the Secured School Safety Grant (SSSG), a matching state grant dedicated to safety initiatives at Hoosier schools. The grant application is open through July 31.
Public school corporations, accredited non-public schools, charter schools or a coalition of school corporations and/or charter schools applying jointly are eligible to apply for the matching grants of up to $100,000, based on the average daily membership.
The following items are eligible:
Employ a school resource officer/law enforcement officer (salary, benefits and 40-hour training course);
Conduct a threat assessment.
Purchase equipment to restrict access to the school or expedite the notification of first responders;
Support firearms training in districts that choose to implement such programs;
Support a student and parent support services program;
Fund one-time startup costs of an active alert warning system.
Since being signed in to law in 2013, the Indiana Secured School Safety Grant (SSSG) program has awarded more than $72 million in matching grants to Indiana school districts to them prepare for safety threats.
For more information, visit