Around Town – September 30

Orchids to …

• city street department workers who trimmed a bush onthe corner of Park Lane and River Road to improve oncoming traffic visibility.

• those of us who are successful enough, and honest enough, to pay our taxes.

• the employees at TJ Maxx for keeping my phone safe until I could pick it up the next day.

• The New York Times for publishing the fact that I’m better at managing money than that “businessman.”

• Taylorsville Baptist Church for being a terrific church with great music and pastor.

• Amy Coney Barrett, nominee for Supreme Court Justice, who loves the United States and the Constitution.

• President Trump for his energy on behalf of the American people.

• the lady who called in to the doctor’s office to let them know I had arrived when I forgot my phone on Friday.

• John Krull’s letter regarding the moment reveals the man.

• the young salt and pepper haired “gentleman” at Walmart East on Monday for making me smile all day, from Miss Kitty.

• President Trump for leading the charge against evil in America.

Onions to …

• the federal elected official for not supporting the United States of America by avoiding paying his fair share of taxes.

• the Bail Project.

• not understanding that re-electing the federal elected official could add the USA to his long list of bankruptcies.

• six months of lockdowns and 99% compliance with mask wearing and yet the virus infection numbers keep going up.

• those not realizing the economy was already declining pre-COVID-19 because of the federal elected official starting a trade tariff war.

• to the person picking up my four wheeler seat from the fast lane of U.S. 31 South Saturday as I was parking to pick it up!

• people who don’t take down their yard sale signs when it’s over.

• the federal executive with major debt who will sell us out to the highest bidder to save his own skin.

• the school program harassing families about payments before the payments are even due.

• the ‘it’s just about me’ and ‘it’s just like a cold/flu’ people refusing to wear masks.

• those complaining about the tax laws and then voting for the candidate who helped write them.

• people who blindly follow anyone or any story without proof.

• the uncaring federal administration for slowing down mail delivery and processing causing military veterans and many others to not receive their insulin, cancer medications, and other medications on time.

• the administration slowing down mail processing so gnats and rodents were swarming around containers of rotted food and baby chicks were dying inside boxes.

• the federal elected official who is the most extraordinarily, hateful, malevolent force in American politics today.

• people who don’t realize that the federal elected official filing six bankruptcies and paying little or no taxes showing he is a poor businessman affects all Americans.

• the business whose employees and clients are not wearing masks appropriately.

Happy Birthday to …

• Michelle Harris from your family and Donna.

• Loretta Wheeler from your family and Donna.

• Bob Battin from your family, Vince, Lisa and Donna.

• Judy Meyer, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

• Lendon Richards, from Uncle Danny, Aunt Kelli, Rylee, Lexie and Kloey Anderson.

• Richard Lee Titus, love your sister Donna.

• Troy Cowan on No. 53, from the Poole’s.

Happy Anniversary to …

• Jack and Joan Allman on No. 59, from everyone in the family.

• Keith and Beulah Thompson, love all your family.

ANOTHER beautiful morning