Editor’s note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
Orchids to
health professionals providing a vaccine reducing our experience of COVID to a milder outcome rather than a tragic one.
the lady snow removal driver at Fodrea for doing such a good job of plowing the sidewalks and putting salt down.
Neil Young, who contracted polio before the vaccine, not wanting others hurt by lies about our miracle COVID vaccines.
Bud Herron for Sunday’s column.
those who helped Saturday removing wreaths from Garland Brook Cemetery, from American Legion Post #24, Columbus. Thank you!
Connie West, for giving of her time and talents.
throwing the fake electors in jail along with all those who plotted the scheme to cheat the election.
President Biden showing his human side by his comment about the reporter, unlike his predecessor who dissed so many.
Chuck E. Cheese for once again providing a great place to celebrate some family birthdays! We appreciate your hospitality!
the awesome sermon and music at St. Peters Lutheran Church.
Bud Herron for his excellent column on Sunday.
Mark Duwe’s letter.