Letter: ‘Ukraine aid bill’ doesn’t tell whole spending story

From: Joe A. Cole


Recently there have been complaints about some Republicans voting against the inappropriately titled “Ukraine Aid Bill”. I believe these complaints have been logged by people who are simply uneducated as to what is truly is in this bill that was signed by Biden.

This 2,700-page bill was delivered after midnight and voted on the very next day. Did you know that this bill was a $1.5 trillion omnibus or pork bill that had a whopping $13.6 billion in aid for Ukraine? That is less than 1% of the total spending bill going for aid to Ukraine, yet we the taxpayers are on the hook for another $1.5 trillion.

The Republicans who voted against it should be congratulated for trying to control government spending, but you will never see that story in the mainstream press. Educate yourself and find out what was truly in the bill. You will be shocked.