Letter: Rep. Greg Pence puts his own interests ahead of constituents’

From: Michelle Carr


In response to DeWayne Hines’ letter on March 23 (“Rep. Greg Pence earns vote for reflecting local values”), I would like to point out that any newspaper worth reading will report on local elected officials, and The Republic reports the facts of Pence’s actions. These are not attacks on Greg Pence, but unbiased reporting.

Pence did in fact vote against humanitarian aid for Ukraine. It’s too bad Pence decided to go with “most Republicans” and vote against the bill. Mr. Hines neglected to mention the “shenanigans” that Mitch McConnell must have used to get Republican votes in the Senate.

Greg Pence does not represent this district well. He is much more interested in what his position can do for him than what he can do for his constituents. Maybe if he put the people first, The Republic would have better facts to report.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. It is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.