Around Town – July 22

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

July 22

Orchids to

officers arresting people for using or possessing illegal drugs because it is against the law, for now anyway.

local coach fighting for survival of women’s sports.

Cindy and Terry at Hubler Honda for the great customer service helping me transfer my lease, and I bought my car!

Matt Lee for bringing Battle Of The Bands to Hope, another awesome event!

Matt Lee for going above and beyond for the town of Hope, and Night Owl Country Band, great job!

electric cars.

Paula Stahl for a well written, insightful and thoughtful letter.

Ty, in Lowe’s appliance department, for helping me choose the best washer-dryer for me, from a satisfied customer.

gas prices in Taylorsville.

Brian at Peters’ Union Air Conditioning that came out the very same day the air conditioning went out and fixed it.

the kind man in front of me who paid for my tenderloin on Monday.

Wade and Val for the garden veggies.

Thursday’s editorial.

the school’s information service center.

Onions to

the hall of fame for inducting less deserving players ahead of more qualified players.

the politicians who think other people’s marriages are their business.

state elected officials who think government spending causes inflation when it doesn’t.

new neighbors who think they don’t have to abide by neighborhood standards.

believing the former federal official put country over party, he was told by counsel not doing so placed him in legal jeopardy.

people speaking about guns using media talking points when they have no knowledge of firearms.

our federal representatives who deny climate change and do nothing, and worse, voting against bills designed to fight it.

the farmer selling his ground for the solar farms.

business having no parking because they won’t open the back door.

elected leaders continuing to advocate any action in response to climate change.

legislators wanting to take our country backwards in history by taking away rights we have already fought for and won.

people who are surprised that it’s hot in the middle of summer.

the car that blew through the stoplight without even slowing down.

the doughnut shop that is always out of doughnuts.

Happy Birthday to

Dan O’Connor, from your family and Donna.

Jay Baker Jr., from Eagle Group.

Jimmy Baker, from all your friends at Eagle Group.

Kyla Ball on No. 28, from Mom, Dad, Grandpa Dale, Grandma Toni, Flynn, Josie, Sarah, Zoe, Ethan, Joe, and Billy.

Brook Brown, love Mom.

Happy Anniversary to

Doug and Georgina Burker, from your family and Donna. `