Letter: America, for all its problems, holds much to be thankful for

From Ann Moore


Regard the letter the the editor in the July 16 edition of The Republic, “America’s problems don’t compare to life in other countries,” it is sad that we in America are living in chaos, fear, surrounded by corruption and drug addiction, struggling to get by, and surviving without universal health care.

Yet, when I think of America and how we compare to other countries, my heart is full of thankfulness for the goodness of so many of our citizens, for the infrastructure that allows us to easily move from place to place, for the lack of fear that we have that we will be dragged from our homes and tortured or killed if we express an unpopular opinion, for an educational system that presents many opportunities for us to learn, for communities of worship who do many good works and who invite us to develop faith, and just all around for a nation, though badly flawed, that is the place that I call home.