Artist reception planned for today

A free open house and artist reception will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. today for Columbus painter Susie Gregory’s exhibition at the Bartholomew County Historical Society, 524 Third St. in downt0wn Columbus.

More than 10 pieces of Gregory’s work are on display, and will hang through December at the nonprofit venue. The Columbus Museum of Art and Design will donate one of Gregory’s pieces to the historical society.

In addition to the art installation, the historical society is opening new exhibits from its collection, along with what it calls “fantastic finds” shared by local residents. New exhibits include “Lengendary Ladies: The Lives of Beulah Brown Fletcher & Evelyn C. Seward,” “Buried in Bartholomew: Local Finds By Local People,” “Broadcasting in Bartholomew: The Many Mediums of Media,” and “Stolen Silver: The Story of the County’s Largest Heist. “

Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays.

Information: 812-372-3541 or