Around Town – April 17

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

April 17

Orchids to

staff at WindRose Health Clinic in Hope for the prompt, efficient and professional care I received before being transferred to CRH. I’m proud to work with all of you!

the NRA which knows that banning firearms from their event makes the public safer.

Dr. Dwenger and staff for all the wonderful care, from a grateful patient.

Smith Elementary PTO and school for all the free field trips and fun activities for the kids to enjoy with the funds the kids raise with fundraisers.

former East Coach Gaddis on the Colts contingent to the draft. Well deserved!

another great column by John Krull.

Happy Birthday to

Bree Blanton, from your family, Dustin and Donna.

Terry Joe Blaney, from Pam, Brenda, Cheryl, Debi, Tim and Dad.