Letter: Mary Ferdon a clear choice for a welcoming Columbus

From: Greg Willmore


As we approach the May 2 primary election, there is one race that stands out, the choice for Mayor of Columbus. With no candidate on the Democratic primary ballot, the winner of the Republican primary may be our new mayor. There are two candidates on the Republican ballot, but there is only one that will ensure a welcoming Columbus going forward.

Mary Ferdon has been a key member of the current city administration which has done an admirable job making Columbus a welcoming city to all. Her support of local multi-cultural and LGBTQ events has helped develop an inclusive Columbus. She is also focused on safety for all citizens which is a key component in a diverse community such as ours. No one has a better understanding of what it has taken to develop the welcoming community we enjoy and what it will take to keep Columbus moving forward in a positive direction when the next city administration begins.

Milo Smith, on the other hand, would make Columbus a non-welcoming city, especially to the LGBTQ community. For those who have forgotten, Milo Smith was a sponsor of Indiana Senate Bill 101, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in 2015. It was the ill-conceived and poorly written legislation that made Indiana a joke to the rest of the country and cost the state more than $60 million in tourism and business revenue. Once passed, the bill had to be quickly “fixed” to make it less discriminatory.

A friend shared with me their firsthand account of the the 2015 RFRA hearings, recalling how Milo Smith attended the pro-RFRA commentary, but got up and left before the anti-RFRA statements began. When they confronted him and said he needed to listen to the other views he replied “No I don’t.”

Is that the type of mayor you want, someone who only listens to what he wants to hear? I certainly don’t want that type of leadership for Columbus.

There is a clear choice for Columbus mayor, Mary Ferdon. She will continue her efforts to get things done for all citizens of Columbus.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters during campaign seasons are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].