Around Town – April 23

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

April 23

Orchids to

good neighbor Toyota Material Handling for the noteworthy support, in funding and manpower, for the Bartholomew County Earth Day Celebration.

Columbus City Councilwoman Grace Kestler for being thoughtful and kind.

Linda at the Menard’s garden center for her kindness and helpful service greeting everyone with a big smile.

the lawn rangers at Community Church of Columbus for their hard work in keeping church grounds pristine and beautiful with all the spring flowers blooming.

Brittany King and her family for being the type of intelligent, concerned citizens that Columbus should be proud of.

whoever came up with the idea of “HutchFest,” a great way to highlight local bands.

the director at The Commons for getting things done and straightening things up.

the landfill for having Earth Day, it is greatly appreciated.

Happy Birthday to

Deb Johnson, from your family and Donna.

Bubby Crawhorn, love your family.