John Foster: Ready or not, we’re charging ahead with EVs

I recently saw a story that said the Environmental Protection Agency was proposing ambitious new vehicle pollution rules that could give the nation’s auto industry a strong push toward electric vehicles over the next decade.

If approved, the new emission standards would take effect with 2027 model year cars and trucks. That’s less than four years from today.

Under the proposed emission standards released recently, officials said electric vehicles could account for up to two-thirds of new cars sold in this country by 2032.

Last year, EVs accounted for about 1% of cars in America. That’s a pretty big gap to cover in about 10 years.

The story said for that to happen would require a big shift in public sentiment, since a Gallup poll indicated 41% of Americans surveyed said they wouldn’t buy an EV, 12% said they’re “seriously considering” buying an EV while 43% said they “might” consider it.

I’m in that 43% of Americans who “might” consider buying an EV.

I remember when the first battery-powered tools came out, I bought some. They were miserable. We had a small car vacuum that plugged into a cigarette lighter. It made noise comparable to a jet engine during take-off and it would only pick up lint if you stuck it in the end of the device and pushed.

However, I now have a complete set of battery-powered tools that perform as well as my standard plug-in types. I do wonder what I’m supposed to do with the battery when it eventually wears out.

Further complicating my concerns is the fact if EVs are to meet future targets, lithium output has to grow almost six times its current production level.

Guess we’ll just have to buy it from our good old buddies in China who currently lead the lithium effort.

For me, an EV would be great for going to and from work five days a week. But, I’ve also read that presently, the electric grid in my neighborhood might be able to handle about three EVs, so there are some questions I have regarding that.

Oh, by the way, when my EV batteries wear out, where will they go?

Don’t tell me the same place worn out windmills and solar farm cells will have to go.

At a recent lecture I attended, we learned that solar cells were designed to have a 30-year life expectancy but they come up somewhat short of that. Wind turbines, designed for 20-25 years of life, seem to be running closer to 10-15 years.

Too bad we couldn’t make those out of something recyclable like the cans and milk jugs I’ve been sorting out for years to cut down on landfill waste.

I’ve been composting and recycling for many years. I even have rain barrels to capture the rain that rolls off the roof of my backyard storage barn so I can sprinkle my flowers and garden when it gets hot and dry.

So while EPA and federal officials are flying coast-to-coast in non-EV airplanes and showing up for meetings in those non-EV limos and luxury sedans, those of us here in “The Heartland of America” wonder about things.

Just because they spend a lot of time flying overhead doesn’t really mean they’re above us.

John Foster anchors “All-News-in-the-Morning” weekdays on 1010 WCSI-AM and 98.1 FM. You can read his weekly blog at and monthly in The Republic. Send comments to [email protected].